Performance analysis, service forecasting and knowledge management

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Patient flow analysis, segmentation and volume forecasting enable better decisions and support management.

Planning and continuous development should be based on measurable data and facts. Describing activities in figures is based on information system data or individual monitoring periods.

The starting point for operational development is a comprehensive understanding of the current state and what works or doesn’t work in the current situation. Delfoi Healthcare Consulting provides its clients with insightful current state analyses, future service forecasts, cross-functional patient flow analyses, operational performance analyses and care process segmentation. Repeatable analyses will be used to verify how well the chosen approaches have been implemented.

An illustrative and visual way of presenting data helps to focus on the right things and continuous reporting is a tool for data management. Analyses and the right performance metrics can provide the right type of picture of the scope of operations and areas for improvement, so that operations can be managed, and information can be used by different bodies to support decision making. The factual analysis will produce highlights of the most important areas for development and will allow a comprehensive list of development actions to be drawn up as a basis for future target operational models.

How can patient flow analysis and segmentation deliver clear benefits?